Give your time! Volunteers, especially those with equine, construction, marketing, advertising, and fundraising expertise are always needed and welcome. If you have time, we can always use help with grooming and bathing, cleaning stalls, hand walking, and tack cleaning and repair.

Interested in Volunteering at Wild Rose Sanctuary?
If you are interested in volunteering for us we would love to have you. The more organized we are and the more commitment we have from our amazing volunteers, the better the experience will be for you and for the animals. The animals enjoy seeing the same, familiar faces and love to bond with volunteers that can commit to a specific schedule.
Some quick information to consider:
• Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older.
• If you are unable to come on your scheduled day, call or text (number will be provided once confirmed as volunteer).
• We do not permit outside dogs as they may startle the horses.
Volunteering Hours:
Year Round: 10:00AM – 3:00PM except Wednesdays. Closed on Wednesdays.
There is no convenient public transportation to our Sanctuary therefore private or group arranged transportation must be organized by the volunteers.
What Does Volunteering at a Horse Sanctuary Involve?
• You must sign a liability waver when you first volunteer.
• Be sure to wear farm appropriate attire: boots or rubber boots, clothing that can get dirty, gloves & a mask if you’re sensitive to dust when cleaning stalls.
• There is a place where you can leave items & a bathroom on the property.
• On your first day you’ll have an orientation where you’ll meet the animals and be shown around the sanctuary. Someone will be available to help you orient to the different jobs so you become comfortable.
• General clean up of barn area & removal of old hay areas around farm
• Painting buildings/barns
• Checking and repairing fences
• Cutting, raking and baling hay (during hay season)
• Help with fundraising events for Wild Rose Sanctuary
We appreciate your help so much! Thank you for your commitment to the horses and to Wild Rose Sanctuary. Please make sure to consider all of the above before deciding you want to volunteer. Volunteering is work, but it is also very rewarding! If you’re willing, we would love to have you!
If you are interested in volunteering with us, please contact Dianne at 902-978-1819 or by email at wildrosesanctuarypei@xplornet.com. Thank you.